Easyspace have recently climbed the TopHosts UK web hosting provider rankings.
According to TopHosts “The UK’s Top 25 web hosts are chosen on a monthly basis. Our review panel sorts through numerous applications from hosting companies and puts each host we consider for an award through rigorous production testing. This, combined with the user feedback of the hundreds of thousands of webmasters that visit UK.TopHosts.com on a regular basis, serve as the basis for granting an award”.
The climb in rankings is a result of the ongoing improvements Easyspace has been making to it’s services including the launch of new products in the last 6 months (such as Rapidsite Web Builder, Blogs, the SME package and provision of .eu domains), the recent upgrade of the whole Easyspace website and improvements to both customer service and customer support.
Easyspace continues to focus on developing the technical services it provides and further improving the customer relation services it offers and feels the improved TopHosts ranking is a good reflection of the continual development of it’s service.