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.sex, .adult, .xxx & .porn domain names

.xxx domain names and other adult extensions

Keywords porn, adult, sex and xxx are searched over 300 Million times per month. If your business is adult related, then registering one or more of these domain extensions should help you engage your audience quickly and let users know exactly what your business is about.

We are working closely with the ICM Registry, the sponsoring body for adult domain name extensions, to give all customers a chance to register the adult web address for the adult-entertainment industry.

Available from only £95.13/pa

Still not sure?Advantages of registering an Adult domain name

Who should register an adult domain name?

Online adult entertainment industry and those supplying products or services should consider registering adult domain names - .adult, .xxx, .sex, .porn.

Non-members of the adult community, individuals and entities should also register an adult domain name, if they are concerned about potential abusive registration or IP (Intellectual Property) protection.

Important information about .xxx registrations

Only members of the Adult Sponsored Community will be able to use a .xxx domain, application be verified by ICM Registry in order for any domain name to resolve. Parties that are not members of the Adult Sponsored Community can register non-resolving domain names.

Search for your domain now or call 0370 755 5088 to find out more.

Key Benefits of the adult domain names

There are many benefits; however one of the most important benefits of the adult domain name extensions is to protect children from adult-content websites

  • Safeguard children from being marketed or targeted
  • Protect customer privacy and intellectual rights
  • Use and promote accurate labelling and meta-tagging
  • Ensure clear and accurate disclosures
  • Combat the use of unlawful malicious codes and technologies (e.g., spoofing)
  • Intended to create a silo for pornography on the Internet